Vozički - Hajdi

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At Hajdi.si you will be able to find high-quality baby strollers, which we will adapt to the wishes and expectations of parents with professional and individual advice. All models of baby carriages are displayed in our boutique shops in Celje and Ljubljana, where you can try them on and consult with our colleagues. At Hajdi.si, we always say that the purchase of a stroller is the most important basic asset of all future parents, so we really want to delve into your needs and expectations and, with the help of an interview, find the best solution for our customers. We offer strollers for different terrains, from classic 2-in-1 strollers to a complete 3-in-1 set with shell or 4-in-1, which includes a car seat in addition to the shell. Here you will also find premium marela strollers that will be the perfect companion on your travels and all your adventures. In our boutique offer, in addition to quality and functionality, design is also important, so we make it possible for you to completely personalize your baby carriage with us and so you can match its color to your style.