Bugaboo - Donkey 5 bassinet fabric complete WASHED BLACK - Hajdi

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Bugaboo - Donkey 5 bassinet fabric complete WASHED BLACK

Bugaboo 8717447575665 10056 13330
SKU Code: 10056
Bugaboo - Donkey 5 bassinet fabric complete WASHED BLACK


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12 x18.71 €
6 x36.61 €
3 x72.41 €
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The Bugaboo Donkey 5 bassinet fabric complete helps you turn your Donkey 5 Mono into a stroller suitable for twins. The box includes the bassinet fabric, apron and mattress cover. The bassinet bottom, stiffeners, mattress and aerated inlay are also included. Combine this box with the Bugaboo Donkey 5 Mono complete stroller & the Bugaboo Donkey 5 Duo extension set to assemble a complete Bugaboo Donkey 5 Twin

Product Details

Compatible with

  • Bugaboo Donkey
  • Bugaboo Donkey 2
  • Bugaboo Donkey 3
  • Bugaboo Donkey 5


Age 0 - 6 months