Elodie - Stroller Toy, Dalmatian Dots - Hajdi

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Elodie - Stroller Toy, Dalmatian Dots

Elodie 7333222020031 12318 16864
SKU Code: 12318
Elodie - Stroller Toy, Dalmatian Dots


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A friendly face that your baby will recognize, be comforted, and entertained by when out and about.These soft and beautiful stroller toy, brand Elodie can be attached to any stroller/pram hood, bumper bar or even baby's play-gym or car seat. 

Helps develop hand-eye coordination. A stroller toy is great for giving your baby something to study while they are in the pram, and learning to reach and grasp for things. The expandable and self-closing ring can attach the stroller toy almost anywhere.

Available in many different styles. Get just one to match your other Elodie stroller gear or put a whole family of them up if you like.

Product Details

  • Approved according to the EU toy standard EN-71.
  • Care instructions: Remove stains by surface dabbing with a wet cloth and some mild detergent. If the changing bag is regularly used outdoor it is recommended that it be weather proofed every now and then using an impregnation method suited to the fabric.


Age 0 - 6 months, 6 - 12 months
Suitable for Boy, Girl