Nuna® Sena™ waterproof mattress protector - Hajdi

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Nuna® Sena™ waterproof mattress protector

Nuna 8717903887509 12570 17161
SKU Code: 12570
Nuna® Sena™ waterproof mattress protector


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The waterproof mattress protector for the Nuna® Sena™ and Nuna® Sena™ Aire portable cribs ensures that your child always sleeps on a dry surface. With this essential addition, your nights will be more peaceful both at home and during vacations.

Product Details

  • The waterproof mattress protector for the Nuna® Sena™ and Nuna® Sena™ Aire portable cribs shields your toddler's mattress from wetness, dirt, and stains.
  • This excellent mattress protection for the portable travel crib extends the lifespan of the mattress and is particularly suitable for children who wet the bed.
  • Despite being waterproof, the mattress protector maintains excellent breathability, allowing water vapor and air to pass through. The fabric breathes, preventing moisture buildup on the mattress surface.
  • Installation of the protector with elastic edges is effortless.
  • The waterproof protector is suitable for machine washing.
  • It can be installed on both the Nuna® Sena™ and Nuna® Sena™ Aire cribs.